Prepites Past For Prepites Present, & Prepites of The Future!

The S. Thomas' Preparatory School Old Boys' Union invites Past Prepites to assist the School in five key areas that needs immediate attention:
● Infrastructure Development
● OBU Trust Fund
● Education Grants Fund
● Sports Development Fund
● Procurement of a Bus for student activity transport

How Past Prepite Batches / individuals can assist: Assistance in part, or in whole, or towards any specific fund or project via
● Financial Contributions
● Contributions in kind (Building Materials / Sports Equipment / Other)
● Technological / Logistical assistance

Batches that wish to assist with specific projects & with non- financial assistance, may contact the OBU for discussion of same.
Those who wish to contribute directly may deposit transfer funds to the following a/c:

S. Thomas' Preparatory School OBU - Special Projects
Bank: NDB Bank
Account Number: 101000400727
Branch: Kollupitiya

A follow-up email confirming the transfer / deposit will be appreciated. Please include your name, batch, contributory amount & mode of payment.

All contributions will be officially acknowledged by official receipt.

'The Lord Is My Shepherd'
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