Rules of the OBU

(Established May 12, 1978)

  1. Name - the Union shall be called “S. Thomas’ Preparatory School Kollupitiya, Old Boys’ Union.
  2. Objects - the objects of the Union shall be:
    1. To increase a sense of fellowship in Old Boys both with one another and with the school,
    2. To promote good works for the benefit of the school and assist the school when assistance is needed,
    3. To afford guidance and encouragement to the younger generation of boys.
    4. To give guidance when requested by the Headmaster for the better management and administration of the school, provided that the Union shall not in any manner be entitled to participate in or intervene in the management and administration of the school by the Board of Governors or the Headmaster, or make any decisions concerning the policy of the school in any matter.
  3. Membership – The members of the Union shall be:
    1. Old Boys and past and present teachers of S. Thomas’ Preparatory school, Kollupitiya duly enrolled in accordance with rule 4 (b) and honorary life members not exceeding fifteen (15), duly elected at an Annual General Meeting. The total number of such honorary members shall not exceed fifteen (15) at any time
    2. Founder members shall be those who have applied for membership on or before the Inaugural Meeting.
  4. Annual General Meeting & Procedure:
    1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the Friday before or after Founders Day namely the 17th of May, provided the Executive Committee of the Union is empowered to fix a suitable date as close as possible to Founders Day. Notice of the agenda shall be given by the Hony. Secretary at least fourteen days before the date of the meeting and in any manner approved by the Executive Committee.
    2. An Applicant for admission to membership shall apply to the Honorary Secretary in writing substantially in accordance with the enrolment form prescribed by the Executive Committee and shall be proposed by a member of the Union and seconded by another, and on his paying the following subscription shall be enrolled a member:
      1. For those applicants between the age of 16 and 23 OR application received between the time of such Applicant leaving school until he reaches the age of 23 – Rs. 1,000/-
      2. For all other applicants tendering an application for membership after having attained the age of 23 years – Rs. 2,500/-
      3. All memberships shall be “life memberships” subject to these Rules and all such names of members newly enrolled during a particular year shall be read at the next Annual General Meeting.
    3. Notice of any motion or any other matter to be brought before the Annual General Meeting shall be submitted in writing to the Hony. Secretary at least 21 days before the date of such meeting. No motion which is not in accordance with these rules can be tabled.
    4. The quorum at the Annual General Meeting shall be 15 members.
    5. A statement of Accounts, including a Balance Sheet for the financial period 1st April to 31st March audited by the Hony. Auditor duly elected for the purpose at the previous Annual General Meeting, shall be presented by the Hony. Treasurer for adoption at the Annual General Meetings. The Hony. Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping of the Union accounts and the Bank accounts of the Union.
    6. The Hony. Secretary shall at the Annual General Meeting submit a report, as approved by the Executive Committee, covering the activities of the Union during the preceding calendar year. Such report shall include the number of Old Boys on roll and the number enrolled during the preceding twelve months.
  5. The Office Bearers:
    1. The Office Bearers of the Union shall be:
      1. President – The Headmaster (Ex-officio)
      2. Three Honorary Vice Presidents
      3. (a) Honorary General Secretary
        • (b) Honorary Assistant Secretary
      4. (a) Honorary Treasurer
        • (b) Honorary Assistant Treasurer
      5. Honorary Auditor
    2. Subject to the provisions herein the Vice-Presidents, Honorary General Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Assistant Treasurer shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
    3. No member shall be eligible for nomination or to be elected:
      1. as Vice-President, Honorary General Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Assistant Treasurer unless he has been a member of the Union for over ten (10) years;
      2. as Vice-President, Honorary General Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Assistant Treasurer if such member has previously served five (5) consecutive terms in the same post;
      3. as Treasurer unless he possesses a recognised qualification in the field of accounting.
    4. A Coordinating Secretary who will be a member of the teaching staff shall be nominated by the President.
    5. A further set of Committee Members numbering not more than twenty four (24) in number shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting to represent the following age groups, subject to Rules 5(e) and 8 below:
      •                                        YEAR AT SCHOOL
        • GROUP A - 3 MEMBERS - 01.01.48 TO 31.12.57
        • GROUP B - 3 MEMBERS - 01.01.58 TO 31.12.67
        • GROUP C - 3 MEMBERS - 01.01.68 TO 31.12.77
        • GROUP D - 3 MEMBERS - 01.01.78 TO 31.12.87
        • GROUP E - 3 MEMBERS - 01.01.88 TO 31.12.97
        • GROUP F - 3 MEMBERS - 01.01.98 TO 31.12.07
        • GROUP G - 3 MEMBERS - 01.01.08 TO 31.12.17
        • GROUP H - 3 MEMBERS - 01.01.18 TO 31.12.27
    6. The composition in terms of Rule (a), (b) & (c) above shall constitute and make up the Executive Committee of the OBU for all intents and purposes and shall be collectively responsible to the general membership in terms of these Rules, provided further that:
    7. At its first Executive Committee meeting following any Annual General Meeting, if there are vacancies in any age-group in terms of (c) above, the Executive Committee may propose any such member of the OBU to fill such vacancy. In the event of more names being proposed than the available vacancies, the President and Secretary may fill such vacancy in consultation, with the most suitable candidate from amongst the names proposed.
    8. Any member of the Executive Committee who fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee of which due notice has been given for any reason whatsoever, without prior approval for such absence, shall immediately cease to be a member of the Executive Committee and shall not be eligible for election to the Executive Committee for a period of two (2) years from such date.
    9. The Honorary Secretary shall keep a Minute Book recording the proceedings of all meetings.
  6. Management of Affairs - The Management of the affairs of the Union shall be vested in the Executive Committee which shall meet together for the dispatch of business, adjourn or otherwise regulate its meeting as it thinks fit.
  7. It shall be the duty of the President to determine at the Annual General Meeting the procedure for the election of office bearers and the method of voting at any business arising at the meeting.
  8. Power to fill vacancies - The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies which may occur in the Committee pending the next Annual General Meeting and this shall include the power to fill any vacancies available in the age-groups set out in Rule 5(c) above, which powers shall be exercised as set out in Rule 5(e) of that same section.
  9. Special General Meetings:
    1. A special General Meeting to transact any special business may be summoned by the President or the Executive Committee or in pursuance of a written requisition signed by not less than 50% members of the Union and addressed to the Hony. Secretary who shall summon such meeting. Any such requisition shall specify the nature of the business for which the meeting is summoned, and no other business shall be transacted at such meetings. Such business shall be in accordance with these rules
    2. Notice of such meetings shall be given to the members provided however the Executive Committee shall have power to curtail the period of such notice
    3. The quorum for such special general meeting shall be 35 members.
  10. The Rules of the Union shall not be altered, amended, repealed, or added to except at the Annual General Meeting and as provided for in Rule 4(c) and except by a vote of at least two- thirds of the members present at the meeting.
  11. The President shall have power when he considers the highest interest of the Union so requires, to take any steps necessary to ensure the continued existence and proper functioning of the Union.
S. Thomas' Preparatory School
Old Boys' Union
The S. Thomas’ Preparatory School Old Boys’ Union (OBU), an association comprising of past prepites, was formed on May 12th 1978, coinciding with the commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the school. Its aim and purpose are to assist and aid the school when called upon to do so, with the collective assistance of its old boys, and to instill a sense of brotherhood and camaraderie amongst the students who have had the privilege of studying there, and since left.
© 2023 S. Thomas' Preparatory School Old Boys’ Union.
All Rights Reserved.
Contact Details
The Administrative Office,
S. Thomas' Preparatory School Old Boys' Union,

Address : No. 98, Steuart Place, Galle Road, Colombo 03.

Tel : 071 77 37 628
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