History Book


S. Thomas; Preparatory school history book from 1938. 1st edition. An in depth look into the annals of history, detailing the beginning of an epic educational institution, & the continuing saga of a school unlike any other, in vivid descriptive narrations, personal experiences, & documented history of the first eighty years, with details & pictures you've never seen before.  The story of S. Thomas' Preparatory School. A must have book, for the true Past Prepite. In Hard Cover.

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S. Thomas; Preparatory school history book from 1938. 1st edition. An in depth look into the annals of history, detailing the beginning of an epic educational institution, & the continuing saga of a school unlike any other, in vivid descriptive narrations, personal experiences, & documented history of the first eighty years, with details & pictures you've never seen before.  The story of S. Thomas' Preparatory School. A must have book, for the true Past Prepite. In Hard Cover.

S. Thomas' Preparatory School
Old Boys' Union
The S. Thomas’ Preparatory School Old Boys’ Union (OBU), an association comprising of past prepites, was formed on May 12th 1978, coinciding with the commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the school. Its aim and purpose are to assist and aid the school when called upon to do so, with the collective assistance of its old boys, and to instill a sense of brotherhood and camaraderie amongst the students who have had the privilege of studying there, and since left.
© 2023 S. Thomas' Preparatory School Old Boys’ Union.
All Rights Reserved.
Contact Details
The Administrative Office,
S. Thomas' Preparatory School Old Boys' Union,

Address : No. 98, Steuart Place, Galle Road, Colombo 03.

Tel : 071 77 37 628
Email : prepobuadmin@prepobu.lk

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